Can Dogs Eat Butter? Is It Safe?

Has there ever been a dog that hasn’t gotten to the butter once in a while? Butter smells salty. It’s fun and creamy to lick. It feels like peanut butter, which we all give our dogs.

When it finally happens, you are going to ask, “Can dogs eat butter.” The answer is as complicated as the difference between can and should.

Is Butter Ok For My Dog?

Can your dog eat butter? Sure, though it’s not the best idea. Unless your dog is very overweight or allergic to dairy, a little bit of butter won’t be a big deal. read more

Can Dogs Eat Cilantro? Is It Safe?

Cilantro is a pretty plant. It’s a juicy, sweet leafy herb. Cilantro is a cousin of parsley plants. Coriander as an intense, grassy scent, people either love it or hate it. It smells like the great outdoors and it often accompanies other delicious foods.

Humans often add it to Mexican and Thai dishes. We serve cilantro with chicken, peanut sauce, or tacos. These are some reasons why your dog is going to be interested in eating cilantro.

Here are the 5 things you should know before you give cilantro to your doggo. read more

Can Dogs Eat Mustard? Is It Safe?

Good grief! You were careful with that hotdog. You knew your pup was eyeballing it, so you ate it all before you put the plate down. Then you only looked away for a second. You didn’t give a thought to the big blob of condiment still on your plate. Now you have a serious question.

Can Dogs Eat Mustard?

No, not ever.

Dogs should not eat mustard. It is very toxic, even in small amounts.

Veterinarians, breeders, and trainers all say that it is dangerous to feed your dog mustard.

  • The mustard you put on your sandwich starts off as a seed ground into a powder. The toxins in the seeds are very strong and will poison your dog.
  • Read the label of your yellow mustard sauce. You’ll probably see some form of garlic or mustard which are as toxic as the seeds.
  • One weird internet rumor says that the soothing qualities of honey make honey mustard safe for dogs. This is false. Honey mustard contains mustard seed, added salt and other dangerous ingredients honey can’t fix.

It’s best to avoid feeding mustard to your dogs altogether. read more

Can Dogs Eat Butternut Squash? Is It Safe?

When squash season comes around, it seems like we’ll never run out of it. Winter squashes stack up in grocery aisles and decorate our fall tables. We can’t get enough butternut squash soup or roasted squash on our dinner plates.

If we are enjoying a certain food, of course, our pup shows an interest in it. Can dogs eat butternut squash? The answer is an overwhelming, “Yes!”

Butternut Squash For Dogs

Pet owners and vets alike champion feeding butternut squash to dogs. These winter squashes are full of nutrients and are healing to an upset digestive system. Butternut squash is a great once in a while treat for your dog, if you know what is good and what to avoid. read more

Can Dogs Eat Edamame? Is It Safe?

Beans can be a tasty and sometimes healthy treat to add to your dog’s diet. Most beans have lots of nutritional benefits for your dog IF you choose the right beans. Edamame might seem like a harmless food to feed your dog, but how do you know for sure?

In this article, we will look at healthy ways to add edamame to your dog’s diet. Then we will highlight a few ways that are dangerous to your pup.

Can I Give My Dog Edamame?

Edamame, which is fresh soybeans, are a fun snack for humans, especially right out of the bag. And when that bag starts rattling, boom, there’s your pup! Of course, you want to share. Just seeing that little doggo face makes you happy enough to hand off a little treat. read more

Can Dogs Eat Okra? Is It Safe?

Variety is the spice of life, they say. We expect our lives to be full and rich with choices. And what is good for us is good for our best friends, right? It only seems fair. If your dog lives off of commercial dog food, you might want to liven things up with some variety off of your own plate.

You already know that salty snacks with chemical additives are not safe for your pup. Are all-natural whole foods ok, then? If, for instance, you love okra, and your dog is looking at your plate like maybe you should be sharing. Should you? Is it safe to feed your dog okra? read more

Can Dogs Eat Chickpeas? Is It Safe?

Maybe the chickpea isn’t the first idea in your head when dreaming up snacks for your pup. They seem like a bland idea at first, but these cute little beans have a lot going for them.

The chickpea, (or maybe you call it a garbanzo bean,) is a small, round legume with a mild peanut-like flavor. They seem to be the perfect size to toss to your dog as a reward or a simple treat. Like other people food, though, it is a good idea to find out if it is safe to feed chickpeas to your dog.

Are Chickpeas Safe For My Dog?

Chickpeas are a superfood for humans and can be the same to your pup. Chickpeas are beneficial to people with inflammation or high blood pressure. Doggo can reap the same benefits. Chickpeas are a low calorie, high protein treat. They are definitely safe for your dog, as long as you know how to avoid dangerous additives. read more

Can Dogs Eat Apricots? Is It Safe?

There are some fruits that are great for your dog. Fruit is a great way to get minerals and antioxidants as well as some extra liquid into your pup’s diet. Some fruits are better choices than others, though.

Apricots are so delicious. How could there be anything dangerous about them?

From the same food family as peaches, plums, and cherries, apricots are a sweet snack. It’s the fruit’s sweetness that could make it a danger for your dog. Anything your dog gets a taste for can be dangerous if they eat too much, and dogs want more of the sweets they like. read more

Can Dogs Eat Jalapenos? Is It Safe?

I love Jalapeños, in small but spicy bite of a jalapeño, you will surprising combination of health and flavor. Once day I was just thinking if these spicy flavorful things can also be added dog food. Can Dogs Eat Jalapenos? Is It Safe? I decided to do a little research and find out.

Jalapeños are unfortunately harmful and generally unhealthy for our dogs. So Jalapenos are not recommended for dogs. Spicy foods, in their entirety, are never really recommended to be included in a dogs diet, and jalapeños are no exception.  read more

Can Dogs Eat Tums? Is It Safe?

Sometimes your beloved furry companion may fall victim to an upset stomach or other digestive issues. Sure enough, you’d want to help them and remedy their upset stomach as fast as possible. Looking toward medications for assistance, would antacids, such as Tums, be able to help your dog’s upset stomach?

Tums, in very spaced out and moderate consumption, can help to temporarily solve your dog’s upset stomach and digestive issues. Before attempting to do so, though, there are a handful of considerations and cautions that you need to be aware of, in addition to consulting your veterinarian about your dog’s Tums use before any is given. read more