Can Dogs Eat Oranges? Is It Safe?

Oranges and tangerines are not toxic for dogs. So yes, you can feed your pup the fleshy part of oranges. However, It is not necessary, and could lead to problems for your pup in excese.

Oranges Health Benefits And Risks For Dogs

Oranges are a fairly healthy snack for dogs in moderation. They have lots of nutrients, potassium, Vitamin C and are low in sodium.

Immune health would be the most prominent benefit from oranges. However, this shouldn’t sway you into feeding them to your dog.

Dogs produce vitamin C themselves, so they do not require a dietary source. If you give your dog too much, he may get an upset stomach, diarrhea and/or vomiting. read more

Can Dogs Eat Mint? Is It Safe?

Mint is safe and non toxic for dogs in the leaf form. Still not recommended to hand a lot out to your pup, even though we all want to for that breath, right?! A small handful of mint leaves on their food would be alright once in a while, but there are a few things to keep in mind with mint.

Benefits From Dogs Eating Mint

There are a few benefits to your dog eating mint, those would be; better breath, some digestional aid, fiber, calcium, Vitamins A and C which help with bones, skin, vision, and immune health.

Lots of dog food, treats and bones have mint in them to help dog breath and clean teeth already. If you do not have any mint foods, just giving your dog some wild mint, peppermint and spearmint leaves is perfectly okay in moderation. (1 – 2 leaves a day) read more

Can Dogs Eat Hummus? Is It Safe?

The popular dip, “hummus” is quite a yummy and safe treat for us humans, but is it safe for dogs? The answer is no, in short. Small amounts won’t rush your dog to the vet in a puppy ambulance, but you should definitely exercise restraint in handing it out for a treat.

Health Risks From Dogs Eating Hummus

The main ingredients in hummus are;

  • Chickpeas
  • Tahini
  • Lemon Juice
  • Olive oil
  • Garlic
  • Salt

When cooked properly, chickpeas are no problem for dogs in moderation. It may rumble their tummy a bit and potentially give them loose stool, though. As long as there is not a substantial amount consumed, there should be no worry. read more

Can Dogs Eat Chia Seeds? Is it Safe?

Canines digestive system is surprisingly similar to humans! However, this should not be mistaken as a free pass to feed your dog whatever you eat, as lots of people foods are bad for dogs. Chia seeds in moderation on the other hand, can benefit your pup!

Benefits Of Chia Seeds For Dogs

Most people foods are forbidden for dogs, especially if your pup is overweight. Chia seeds however, can help with weight loss and many other things as well! Always be sure to check with your vet before starting a new supplement regime, though. read more

Can Dogs Eat Banana Peels? Is It Safe?

Banana peels are actually not toxic for dogs and possess many vitamins and nutrients. In fact, banana peels are eaten in many parts of the world, just not so much in the west. However, just because they are not toxic for dogs, the peel of a banana is not something that your dog should eat.

Benefits From Dogs Eating Bananas

Dogs do like bananas for the most part, and they can be good for them! Bananas are filled with B6 and C vitamins, electrolytes, potassium, fiber, amino acids and manganese. All things we know to be good! Always in moderation though. read more

Can Dogs Eat Acorns? Is It Safe?

No, dogs should not eat acorns. In small amounts it’s nothing to worry about, but can be quite bad in a larger consumption. It may be tough to keep your dog away from acorns if they are in your yard, at the park, or come across them during a walk or activity. Try your best though, cause acorns most certainly can be harmful.

Risks From Dogs Eating Acorns

If your dog eats a small amount of acorns, he will probably just have some intestinal inflammation and recover fairly quickly, if you suspect more has been consumed, here are the risks. read more

Can Dogs Eat Kale? Is It Safe?

Kale is a super food; we have all come to awareness and agreement that it is great for the human body. It provides tons of nutrients, it is a cruciferous vegetable (super important for our diet), and it gives us a serving of those important leafy greens our bodies love to operate on. But what about dogs?

Now, it is important to remember the most critical key to feeding your dog kale and that is to make sure that it is fully cooked and try to avoid those ribs. As we will cover later in the article, uncooked kale along with the ribs can pose some health risks to dogs. read more

Can Dogs Eat Fish? Is It Safe?

Many of us have furry, barking, four-legged friends whom we have so much love and affection for. You want to keep your dog healthy so they can live their best life while you live yours.

A common inquiry among many dog owners is whether or not fish is a good addition to their diet. After much research, it has been determined that it is a great addition to their diet.

Fish For Dog: What are my options?

When it comes to deciding when and how to feed your dog fish, there are generally two great options. First, it can be added as a treat. Treats should typically make up about a tenth of your fur baby’s diet, so it might be an acceptable option to rotate it with their other treats. read more

Can Dogs Eat Basil? Is It Safe?

When the topic of an article revolves around what your dog can eat, there is usually a mix of information. Some research will show many good properties of a food. Some research will discuss why that food should never be given to a dog.

In the case of basil, there are many good things about it. After reading basil’s health benefit, why we don’t give it to our pups night and day. You might wonder why you aren’t eating it every day yourself! If some if good, more must be better, right?

6 Amazing Benefits Of Basil

  • Anti-inflammatory: reduces inflammation caused by reaction or disease. Basil can ease arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, or headaches.
  • Antioxidant: protects cells against damaging elements. Basil’s bright green coloring comes from antioxidants. They will fight off cancer or heart disease.
  • Antiviral: fights of viruses when they try to take hold in the body. When you eat basil, these compounds boost your immune system. They stop the development of viruses before you get sick.
  • Antimicrobial: kills of foreign bodies in your body before they get a chance to make you sick. Germs don’t stand much of a chance against microbials.
  • Basil calms the nerves and lifts your mood.
  • Basil contains vitamins and minerals essential for healthy body function.

Is Basil Safe For My Dog?

The ASPCA states that basil doesn’t have any toxic properties that could harm your dog. Basil is safe for your dog to eat. Basil is actually one of the low-growing leafy greens, like grass, that your dog would eat in the wild. read more

Can Dogs Eat Lentils? Is It Safe?

Lentils are a healthy super-food that that boast lots of nutrition for us humans. Lentil recipes have become very popular in cafes and on recipe sites. Humans enjoy adding them to soup and salads. They add a funky twist to tradition meals like tacos, pasta, and casseroles.

The flavor of lentils is buttery, nutty, and very mild. The protein, vitamins and minerals lentils deliver are beneficial. There’s no debate whether these little guys are good for us. The big question is, “If it’s good for me are lentils good for my dog?” read more