Can Dogs Eat Poppy Seeds? Is It Safe?

Contained in various food products such as muffins, bread, desserts, bagels and more, poppy seeds are a major part of diets around the world. Derived from the P. Somniferum plant, poppy seeds, surprisingly, contain a bit of an opiate known as morphine.

As they are safe for human consumption, since we are able to break the opiates down, poppy seeds pose an alarming health risk to your dog, due to the contained morphine in the seeds. If your dog happens to consume an excess of poppy seeds, they may experience poppy seed poisoning, and their life could potentially be at risk. read more

Can Dogs Eat Limes? Is It Safe?

There are many uses for limes and other citrus fruits, which allows them to be eaten in various ways. All are home to many vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants, proven to be safe for moderate human consumption.

Unfortunately, these health benefits do not carry over to our beloved furry companions. Lime, an acidic fruit with various compounds and substances, is not able to be digested properly by your dog, and will end up doing much more harm than good.

Why Your Dog Should Steer Clear

The biggest culprits of your dog’s inability to properly digest limes are the essential oils and phototoxic compounds contained, such as the psoralens and linalool. These compounds are safe for humans but toxic to dogs, and can lead to Lemon and Lime Poisoning if too much is eaten. Characteristics of extreme Lemon and Lime Poisoning can include; read more

Can Dogs Eat Pasta? Is It Safe?

Eat a whole plate of pasta, and sure enough you will feel full. Containing carbohydrates and other health benefits, pasta has been a beloved meal by humans for quite some time now. It can be made in different ways, all with different types of pasta, sauce and ingredients.

But, does this mean it is safe for your dog to eat? Well, technically it’s okay, but is it even worth it? Containing no toxins, pasta will not hurt your dog in the long-term. But, this does not mean that the contained ingredients in pasta will do much to help them, either. read more

Can Dogs Eat Pepperoni? Is It Safe?

For such a widespread food product and common topping for pizza, not many people are very familiar with the ingredients contained in pepperoni. A lot of us love the taste, so why question it?

Well, it turns out, questioning pepperoni is a very good idea, as it is just another type of processed meat that contains lots of salt, spices, lactic acids and mixes of meat, normally pork and beef.  Overall, it is not very healthy for our consumption, and is more than certainly not healthy for your dog to consume. read more

Can Dogs Eat Pinto Beans? Is It Safe?

Pinto beans, for such a small food, come surprisingly filled with loads of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Proven to be healthy for humans, we can’t help but wonder if our beloved furry companions could benefit from them too.

Well, the good news is, they can! Fed in moderation, pinto beans and various other forms can prove to be a great nutritional supplement to your dog’s diet through the fibers, proteins, minerals and vitamins pinto beans contain!

What’s In Beans, And Why They’re Good For Your Dog

In order to convince yourself that beans are abundant with health benefits, take into consideration the fact that one cups worth of pinto beans contains around forty-five grams of carbs, around fifteen grams of fiber, around fifteen grams of protein, only one gram of fat, with minerals such as Potassium, Copper, Magnesium and Phosphorus. This is all in addition to the healthy A,B,C and K Vitamins contained, as well. read more

Can Dogs Eat Whipped Cream? Is It Safe?

That fluffy, sweet and delicious taste of whipped cream almost calls for it to be a treat to be enjoyed by all. How harmful could it be, really? Isn’t it mostly just air?

Well, it turns out not to be. Whipped cream, in moderate human consumption, can be a fun snack to enjoy. But, does this mean our dogs should enjoy it, too? The simple answer is no, and there’s a bit of reasoning behind it. Containing dairy, fats and sugars, whipped cream is a food that should perhaps be left off the treat menu for your dog. read more

Can Dogs Eat Lamb Bones? Is It Safe?

Give a dog a bone, and it is very likely to get somewhat territorial over it. Dogs instinctively love bones, and this is for a multitude of reasons. Raw bones, including Lamb bones, offer dogs activity, nutritional benefits and dental care!

This is not to say there are no dangers of feeding your dog raw bones. Bone chewing can be both beneficial and harmful for them, and a lot of it depends on what kind of bones you feed them, how big they are, and how often you do it.

As a responsible pet owner, you should know the pros and cons of raw bone feeding, and how often it is appropriate. Supervised carefully, your dogs raw bone chewing / consumption can prove to be a great activity that supports their well-being! read more

Can Dogs Eat Sausage? Is It Safe?

We all know how much our furry companions love the taste of meat. The proteins and vitamins dogs acquire from eating various forms of meat hardly goes unnoticed, as it as been a prominent staple in their diets for quite some time.

With that being said, we also need to take into consideration the fact that not all forms of meat may be healthy for our dog. One of these, being sausage. Sausage, to us, tastes great, and to our dogs, but it is not necessarily the healthiest option for either of us, and it could possibly do your dog much more harm than it could potentially do them good. read more

Can Dogs Eat Pecans? Is It Safe?

Pecans are tree nuts. They grow on hickory trees primarily found in the Southern United States and Mexico. You can recognize pecans by their smooth oblong brown shell and edible kernel found inside. The edible portion looks very similar to a walnut.

You probably already know that pecans are a great healthy snack for humans. They are loaded with protein, vitamins and healthy fats. They are often eaten by themselves or made into scrumptious pecan pies, butter pecan ice cream or other tasty treats. You might be quick to assume that pecans would make a delicious and healthy treat for your dog too. However, you would be wrong. In fact, dogs shouldn’t eat pecans at all. read more

Can Dogs Eat Pickles? Is It Safe?

You’re in the middle of enjoying a delicious crunchy pickle when you look over and see your furry canine friend eyeballing it. Your cute pup tilts his head to the side, asking you to give him a bite. You can’t say no to that face and you give in. You toss him a bite before you even stop to think whether or not pickles are safe for dogs to eat. Are pickles safe for dogs?

Can Dogs Eat Pickles?

Luckily, you can probably relax knowing that it is usually safe to feed your dog an occasional pickle. Generally, pickles are not toxic to dogs. They do, however, contain a great deal of sodium and have little other nutritional value. Dogs don’t need additional sodium in their diet because they already get the daily-recommended value from their dog food. read more