Can Dogs Eat Oranges? Is It Safe?

Oranges and tangerines are not toxic for dogs. So yes, you can feed your pup the fleshy part of oranges. However, It is not necessary, and could lead to problems for your pup in excese.

Oranges Health Benefits And Risks For Dogs

Oranges are a fairly healthy snack for dogs in moderation. They have lots of nutrients, potassium, Vitamin C and are low in sodium.

Immune health would be the most prominent benefit from oranges. However, this shouldn’t sway you into feeding them to your dog.

Dogs produce vitamin C themselves, so they do not require a dietary source. If you give your dog too much, he may get an upset stomach, diarrhea and/or vomiting.

If your dog is diabetic, stay away from oranges. The sugar can spike their insulin levels resulting in;

  • Hyperglycemia
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Vomiting
  • Lethargic
  • Increased intake of water
  • Seizures
  • Local reactions
  • Potentially death

Also, if your dog is overweight or has digestive problems, it is a good idea to steer clear of oranges and other fruits.

Sugar and calories are the main concern for treats in general. Treats should only make up about ten percent of your dog’s daily calorie allowance. Failure to do so can result in weight gain for your pup, along with other health problems.

How To Serve Oranges To Your Dog?

When starting into giving your dog oranges, start with just a wedge or two. Some dogs don’t care for oranges because of how acidic they are causing a bitter taste, so he may just spit it out. If he eats it, wait and see how he responds before giving him more. Don’t give him more then 3 wedges a day as that can result in an upset stomach.

Make sure to completely peel the orange and remove all seeds (if it has them) before serving wedges. The peel is not toxic to dogs but can get stuck inside the dog’s digestive tract resulting in obstruction and potentially needing surgery to correct.

If you plan to incorporate oranges into your dog’s diet, remember that treats such as oranges should only make up around 10 percent of your dog’s daily calorie intake. So make changes to his diet plan to account for the daily serving of oranges.

What Parts Of An Orange To Avoid Feeding Your Dog?

Do not give your dog orange juice, even if it is organic/natural. Orange juice is a concentrated source of citric acid and sugar and since dogs do not need those nutrients in the first place, it is not recommended to serve your pup orange juice.

Along with the peels and seeds, stems and leaves can also be toxic to dogs. So make sure to prepare your dogs serving properly.

If your dog happens to get into some oranges and has eaten a few whole, contact your veterinarian for guidance and help your dog outside as he’ll be in some digestional discomfort and most likely have diarrhea.


Oranges are safe to feed your dog, and are a great treat choice if your pup actually likes them. Start him off slow and monitor how he reacts to the slices. Just remember to moderate with only 1 to 3 wedges a day and adjust the diet to account for those calories.

Although oranges are not bad for dogs, they are still not a necessity for them. Especially if your dog is already overweight or diabetic, just don’t feed it to them at all.

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