Can Dogs Eat Hummus? Is It Safe?

The popular dip, “hummus” is quite a yummy and safe treat for us humans, but is it safe for dogs? The answer is no, in short. Small amounts won’t rush your dog to the vet in a puppy ambulance, but you should definitely exercise restraint in handing it out for a treat.

Health Risks From Dogs Eating Hummus

The main ingredients in hummus are;

  • Chickpeas
  • Tahini
  • Lemon Juice
  • Olive oil
  • Garlic
  • Salt

When cooked properly, chickpeas are no problem for dogs in moderation. It may rumble their tummy a bit and potentially give them loose stool, though. As long as there is not a substantial amount consumed, there should be no worry.

Tahini is made from sesame seeds and is in the same boat, not toxic for dogs in moderation, however, it is a concentrated food which is high in calories, so feeding it to your dog is not recommended.

Olive oil, interestingly enough, is good for your dog! Obviously not in high quantities, but explains how the monounsaturated fats are heart healthy and can help your dog live longer! Aiding against cardiovascular disease, weight gain, diabetes and cancer! Also, olive oil can help with skin and coat health! It’s recommended to add 1 teaspoon of olive oil per 20 pounds of dog per meal if you decide to add olive oil to your dogs diet.

The remaining ingredients, however, are not so nice for your pup. Garlic, salt and lemon juice should all be avoided.

Dogs don’t metabolize garlic like we do. Just like onions, garlic is in the allium group and contains thiosulfate. This is no threat to us humans, but it is toxic to dogs. Thiosulfate can damage a dog’s red blood cells and cause hemolytic anemia. Don’t worry too much on this though, it takes 15-30 grams of garlic per kilogram of body weight to get your pup sick. So unless he is just a puppy, it would be quite a substantial amount of garlic. Nonetheless, refraining from serving it to your dog is recommended as some dogs are more sensitive than others.

Dogs can have small amounts of lemon, but because of how acidic lemons are your dog could have GI distress. Larger amounts of lemon could cause an upset stomach, diarrhea or vomiting. Since you may not know how much lemon is in pre made hummus, it is hard to tell how much your dog can tolerate.

Alternatives To Hummus For Your Dog

Making your own hummus is definitely a better option for the simple fact of knowing what is in it. However, with lemon and garlic being the main flavor ingredients, it’s best to just stay away from it all together. Unless you want to eat bland hummus..

Researching what your dog can and can’t have is beneficial, then you can create your own dip/sauce to put on your dog’s food for a nice treat. Keep in mind the added calories and adjust your dog’s diet to account for it as treats should be about 10 percent of your dog’s diet.

If Your Dog Gets Into Hummus Or Other Ingredients

If you happen to leave your hummus dip on the coffee table and and Kujo gets into it, try to evaluate how much he ate. If it wasn’t too much, he will be okay, if he ate the whole bowl, a trip to the vet may be in order.


Lemon, garlic and salt are all ingredients that your dog should not have, so hummus should not be given to your dog for a treat, especially on a recurring basis. Most certainly not if your dog is already overweight.

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