Can Dogs Eat Raspberries? Is It Safe?

Raspberries: Healthy Nutrition for Dogs? Dogs are amazing creatures, so say the least. They are loyal, intelligent animals that exhibit many social behaviors. You can find many stories about dogs accomplishing lovely feats for humans in need. Most of this selflessness comes from their wild, pack-oriented cousins – wolves.

Like their feral relatives, dogs love meats of all types. They also like a sweet treat now and then. Some owners will even give their pups raspberries as a healthy snack. These little fruits are healthy for humans, but are they safe for dogs? read more

Can Dogs Eat Honey? Is It Safe?

Dogs and Honey: A Sweet Relationship? Dogs are often called our ‘best friends’ and ‘canine companions.’ At the very least, we love their loyalty, character, and intelligence. Some take it a step further and are trained as service dogs for the disabled!

Whether it’s after helping a human friend in need, or after a gravity-defying catch during playtime, good pooches get tasty treats! Some dogs even get rewarded with a little honey. But is that a good idea? Dogs may be sweet on the inside, but can their insides have any sweets? read more

Can Dogs Eat Eggplant? Is It Safe?

Certainly, eggplant is not one of the first ideas that comes to mind when considering what fruits and veggies you may want to introduce in to your dog’s diet. Eggplant, which is surprisingly a fruit, since it contains seeds, packs a punch of minerals and vitamins that are beneficial to our health. But, do these health benefits extend to our beloved dogs too? The simple answer is yes, but there are some cautions and considerations to keep in mind before trying to feed.

Benefits of Eggplant Consumption

A lot of the studies pertaining to eggplant and its health benefits are confined to laboratory animals and test-tube experiments. Due to this, the knowledge of the extension of its benefits to humans and dogs is a bit limited. But, they contain a lot of the vitamins and minerals found in other safe fruits and veggies for dogs, so perhaps it is certainly worth a try. read more

Can Dogs Eat Black Beans? Is It Safe?

As small as they may be, black beans are surprisingly packed with loads of minerals, vitamins and fibers. All of these are essential in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and luckily enough, they are safe for your dog to eat as well! With loads of health benefits, black beans can prove to be a nutritional supplement of choice that your dog will love, under the careful supervision of their owner!

Spill The Beans, What’s So Great About Them?

In around a half a cup of beans, you will find over seven grams of protein, over seven grams of fiber, low sugar content at around .28 grams, and tons of minerals including Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium and Zinc! Your dog will not need over half a cup at once, but this shows how abundant the healthy minerals and substances in black beans are! read more

Can Dogs Eat Papaya? Is It Safe?

A fruit native to Mexico but now grown in many places of the world, the papaya is known as the “superfruit” due to its abundance of healthy vitamins, minerals and enzymes. With a vast range of health benefits and a low sugar content, this sweet tasting fruit will leave anyone wanting more, especially your dog!

Any responsible dog-owner prior to feeding their dog a new food will inevitably ask themselves, “Is this safe for my dog?”. The answer would be yes. Papayas can prove to be a very beneficial nutritional supplement that will likely improve your dog’s quality of life in many aspects. Just like any human food fed to dogs, moderation and correct preparation is key. read more

Can Dogs Eat Seaweed? Is It Safe?

Algae is pretty amazing, isn’t it? It grows naturally at a rapid rate, could possibly be the next biofuel alternative, and … some forms of it are safe to eat? Yes! Seaweed is a form of algae that packs a ton of vitamins, minerals, Omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, and has proven to be a healthy nutritional supplement for humans. But is it safe for our dogs to consume? The simple answer is yes, but there are some precautions and necessary preparation steps to take into consideration before attempting to feed your dog seaweed. read more

Can Dogs Eat French Fries? Is It Safe?

All dog owners know how tough it can be to resist the ultra-cute puppy eyes they give you when they want some, or all, of the food you happen to be eating. Sure enough, we’re all guilty of giving them some food that is just simply not good for them, or adds no nutritional balance to their diet. French fries may be one of the biggest culprits of this. Being deep-fried, loaded with salts, fats and oils, there is essentially no point in feeding your dog this unhealthy snack.

Why You Should Avoid Feeding Your Dog French Fries

Now, it is worth noting that a very small amount of french fry consumption will likely leave your dog unharmed. Most things are okay in very small amounts. But, consistent consumption can lead to a multitude of health problems. In addition, some dogs are very allergic to potatoes, causing them to throw up immediately after any form of potato is ingested. read more

Can Dogs Eat Lemons? Is It Safe?

Sure enough, your dog will try out anything you attempt to feed them, but even they know when something about it may be off. If you’ve tried to feed your dog some lemon before, they may have taken to it well, or may have spit it back out in a comical way. The sour and bitter taste lemons have make the fruit undesirable for most dogs, and perhaps this is for the better.

Some big questions to keep in mind before even attempting to feed your dog lemons is; is it even worth it ? Are there any benefits to be seen ? The answer is no. There are no studies in veterinary medicine that prove a dog’s lemon consumption can enhance its quality of life and bodily functioning. read more

Can Dogs Eat Brown Rice? Is It Safe?

Contrary to many dog-owners beliefs, our cute furry companions are not carnivores anymore. Over time, they have evolved to be omnivorous, being able to eat a wide array of foods that fall under many different food categories. Among these would be foods rich in grains and starch, such as brown rice.

As brown rice does not sound like the first idea that would arise when thinking of what to feed your dog, there are a multitude of benefits to be seen from its consumption.

Studies have shown that ancestors of modern dogs had been fed food consisting of grains and starch, which was a crucial step in the development of their modern diet. Now, dogs can see the nutritious benefits of brown rice through responsible feeding from their owners! read more

Can Dogs Eat Nectarines? Is It Safe?

Nectarines? Peaches? They are almost the same thing, with just a few subtle gene differences. Either way, both are safe for your dog! This is great news, considering the health benefits that nectarines have to offer.

With loads of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, nectarines can prove to be a great nutritional supplement to add to your dogs diet, given that they react to it well and experience no side effects, as some human foods tend to induce.

Health Benefits Of Nectarines

Created from the Nectarine tree, nectarines are a very tasty and juicy snack that your dog will likely love to eat. The ingredients contained in such a small fruit packs a big bite of healthy substances. read more