Can Dogs Eat Pasta? Is It Safe?

Eat a whole plate of pasta, and sure enough you will feel full. Containing carbohydrates and other health benefits, pasta has been a beloved meal by humans for quite some time now. It can be made in different ways, all with different types of pasta, sauce and ingredients.

But, does this mean it is safe for your dog to eat? Well, technically it’s okay, but is it even worth it? Containing no toxins, pasta will not hurt your dog in the long-term. But, this does not mean that the contained ingredients in pasta will do much to help them, either.

What’s In Pasta ?

Fortunately, pasta is a low fat and low sodium food, making it a bit healthier in that aspect. The low sodium is ideal for people who may be diabetic or want to consume less salt.

Most forms of refined pasta are a bit higher in calories and lower in fibers. The low fiber count will not assist in healthy bowel movements after a large meal as opposed to meals with high fiber.

Pastas are loaded with carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are essential for storing energy, which is why bowls of pasta are traditionally recommended the night before participating in a sport game. But, a slight abundance of carbohydrates can lead to weight gain, and this is no exception for your dog. Your dog needs carbohydrates as received from their regular meals, and an abundance of extra carbs through pasta consumption may only lead to hurt their health, and make them gain weight.

Rich in grains and starch, pastas contain ingredients that are not common in dogs diets. As a little bit may not necessarily hurt them, grains and starch don’t add a lot of value to your dogs diet, especially when they should be getting the recommended amount they need from their commercial or home-cooked meals. In addition, some dogs may have a grain or starch allergy, and pasta consumption can lead to discomfort for your dog.

The possible ingredients included in prepared pasta, such as garlic, butter, tomato sauces and spices, are never a good idea to feed to your dog. Garlic could prove to be fatal for your dog, butter can hurt their digestive process and lead to more weight gain, forms of tomatoes are harmful for your dog, and spices are never to be included in your dog’s diet no matter where they came from. As these are only some possible ingredients, most ingredients you will add to a pasta dish will likely do nothing to serve your dog’s health.

Is Any Pasta Okay?

As with most human foods, a very tiny amount of pasta will likely not harm your dog. It is the excess or slight of overfeeding of the food that can cause issues to arise. Excessive amounts of any human food will take away from the essential vitamins and nutrients that they need from their dog food and commercial or home-cooked meals.

That being said, if you are adamant on having your dog try out pasta, whole-wheat pasta would be the way to go, as it contains more vitamins and minerals than regular white pasta, which is mostly made up of water, starch and flower. A very tiny bit of whole wheat pasta, possibly included in their meal, with no extra ingredients or spices could be an okay way for your dog to get some carbohydrates.

But, this is not really necessary in their diet. The carbs, proteins, vitamins and minerals should mostly be coming from their well-rounded diet of foods that are proven to be healthy and beneficial for dogs.

Pasta Is Okay For Your Dog, But Should Be Left Out

Pasta, in the end, should be left as a meal for humans to consume, as we are better able to digest it and absorb the health benefits it offers. Including pasta in your dog’s diet will not help to make them healthier overall, and will likely only make them gain extra weight due to the abundance of carbohydrates found in pasta. Look for healthier options for your dog, where they can get a tasty meal or snack, but are also able to digest it properly in order to realize the health benefits offered.


Jonathon. “The Health Benefits of Pasta.” Pasta Pantry, 17 May 2017,

Link, Rachael. “Is Pasta Healthy or Unhealthy?” Healthline, Healthline Media, 15 Nov. 2017,

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