Can Dogs Eat Mango? Is it Safe?

Every dog owner has experienced those puppy-eyes; that captivatingly cute look they give you when they want to devour the food you are eating. Sure enough, you have wondered many times what common people foods are okay for your dog to eat.

When it comes to fruit, many should be avoided for the health and safety of your dog, but mangoes have proven to be a primarily non-toxic and tasty snack for your canine companion. Some necessary steps should be taken beforehand, though, as well as taking into consideration the levels of sugar present in mangoes. Feed sparingly, and there are tons of benefits to be seen!

Safely Feeding Your Dog Mangoes

If your dog is being introduced to mangoes for the first time, be sure to only feed in small amounts; less than a quarter of a cup’s worth. Their digestive system will need to adjust to the new food, so an abundance of the first sitting will likely leave them with an upset stomach.

As with everything, moderation in your dog’s mango consumption should always be considered. Mangoes contain high amounts of fiber and sugar, which is not common in a dogs diet, and an over-consumption can lead to diarrhea and an upset stomach. A healthy and considerate amount of fiber will help their digestive process, but an excess amount will hurt them.

Before feeding, be sure to peel the skin off, and remove the core from the inside. The skin of a mango is not toxic, but your dog may have a hard time digesting it, leading to more diarrheal and stomach problems. The core of a mango contains cyanide, and has the potential to do great harm to your dog if processed. If eaten, the core may pass through without harm, but if you notice a change in your dog’s eating habits, notify your veterinarian immediately.

In addition, it presents a choking hazard, a risk that should always be attempted to be avoided.

As a principle, you should always cut the mangoes into pieces for your dog to consume. Cutting it reduces the potential choking hazard, as well as helping them not consume the snack too quickly, or too much.

The steps that should always be taken in preparation are;

  • Peel off the skin
  • Cut into pieces
  • Remove the core
  • Feed in small and reasonable quantities, pertaining to your dogs size and weight

Benefits of Your Dogs Mango Consumption

As mentioned, the fiber can be both good and occasionally bad for your dog. But, a healthy amount of fiber intake from a reasonable amount of mango consumption has multiple benefits for your dog, such as helping to deter diabetes, assisting in firm and regular bowel movements, easing constipation and supporting their digestive and gastrointestinal systems.

Vitamins in mangoes, such as Vitamins A, B6, C, E and K and are powerful antioxidants that can help fight off and prevent conditions such as liver disease and cancer. Vitamin A can be helpful for the health of your dogs skin, eyesight and bone growth.

Nutrients in mangoes such as Magnesium and Potassium can help boost their immune system, as well as aiding in the improvement of their eyesight and digestive health.

Some Ideas for Serving and Healthy Consumption

For a larger dog, a recommended snack serving would be just a moderate amount, perhaps around a quarter to ½ cup.  For smaller dogs, less than a quarter of a cup should be given.

Freezing mango pieces before feeding can help fight off the dental decay that your dog may experience from the acidic properties in the fruit.

A company called Fruitables makes mini dog-treats with mango material and nutrients in them. With a low calorie count and healthy ingredients found in mangos, these treats are a safe way to make sure your dog sees the benefits of mangoes in tasty snack from a trusted company.

For a new puppy, small mango pieces could be used as training tools, helping them cooperate with training in order to get a tasty snack right after!

Other Fruits / Veggies That Are Safe For Your Dog

On top of mangoes, there are quite a few other healthy fruits and veggies out there that are good for your dog. These should all be given as treats and be fed sparingly due to some of their high sugar counts. These include;

  • Blueberries
  • Bananas
  • Strawberries
  • Kiwis
  • Cantaloupe
  • Cucumber

Fruits / Veggies That You Should Avoid Feeding Your Dog

As there are many safe fruits and veggies for your dogs consumption, some can be toxic and should always be avoided. These include;

  • Grapes
  • Cherries
  • Grapefruit
  • Avocado
  • Lemon / Lime
  • Tomatoes
  • Mushrooms

So I CAN Feed My Dog Mangoes ? Yes !

By taking proper preparation steps, mangoes can prove to be a healthy and beneficial supplement to their everyday diet. With vitamins, minerals and fibers, mangoes are healthy snacks for dogs and humans everywhere, helping to improve their digestive systems, fight off disease, boost their immune systems, with various other benefits to be seen in addition.

Be sure to always follow the simple steps of basic mango preparation for your dog, in order to ensure safety. Most dogs love the taste of mangoes, so by helping them stay safe from the

potential dangers, mangoes can prove to be a treat of choice that your dog will love forever!


“Fruits and Veggies for Pets.” Healthy Fruits and Veggies for Pets Trupanion Pet Care,

Kelbach, Janine. “How Mangoes Affect Blood Sugar and Obesity”  September 20, 2018. MedicalNewsToday,.

Raman, Ryan. “Mango: Nutrition, Health Benefits, And How To Eat It”. December 7, 2018. Healthline,

WebMD. “Toxic and Dangerous Foods Your Dog Should Never Eat.” WebMD, WebMD,

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