Can Dogs Eat Dates? Is It Safe?

What exactly are dates? Dates are a small, chewy and sweet stone fruit that serve humans as an excellent, healthy snack. And good news, they’re safe for your dog to eat too!

Packed with vitamins and minerals, these tiny fruits have a lot to offer in such a small package. As with any human food, feeding your dog dates in moderation can prove to be a very nutritional supplement to their every day diet!

What’s So Great About Dates?

In one small date, you will find about over half a gram of fiber, around .17 grams of protein, five grams of carbohydrates, loads of B-Vitamins, and an abundance of minerals such as Iron, Potassium and Magnesium. read more

Can Dogs Eat Grapefruit? Is It Safe?

The rise in popularity of dog owners feeding their dogs more fruits and veggies raises the question; which fruits and veggies are actually safe for our dogs? Well, for starters, grapefruit is not one of them. As it contains many healthy substances that can be beneficial to human health, it can have quite the opposite effect on your dog.

The fact that grapefruits are one of the healthiest fruits out there makes us believe they should be safe for our dog, but quite the opposite is true. Due to the toxic compounds and essential oils that grapefruit contains, your dog’s grapefruit consumption can lead to health issues and scares that are not relevant to human health. read more

Can Dogs Eat Cabbage? Is It Safe?

Did you know that adding some fruits and vegetables to your dog’s diet can be good for them? Up until the mid-1900s, families fed their dogs the leftovers of what they would eat for meals. Now dogs eat dog food we buy in stores, and don’t get human food too often.

Each dog is different, but in most cases eating cabbage is ok for your dog.  Dogs should not eat foods like grapes, chocolate, and avocados. Cabbage is not on the bad foods list for dogs.

The Benefits of Feeding Cabbage to Your Dog

Usually people think of dogs as carnivores, but they are actually omnivores! This means they eat meat and plants. Dogs need plants to survive, so having foods like cabbage in their diets is a good thing.  Cabbage has antioxidants, fiber, and other properties that help keep your dog healthy.  Plus, it won’t break the bank! read more

Can Dogs Eat Radishes? Is It Safe?

Today many dog owners are looking for ways to add fresh foods back into their dog’s diet. This is causing many owners to ask, what can my dog actually eat?

Well, you can add radishes to list of foods that are safe for your dog. Be warned that they may not be too wild about the radishes’ taste!

The Benefits of Feeding Radishes to Your Dog

Dogs are omnivores which means they eat meat and plants. Studies show that dogs must have plants as part of their diets to stay healthy. So, adding vegetables like radishes can be a good thing for your dog! Radishes are not on the list of foods that are dangerous for dogs. There are few studies online that show how radishes effect dogs. When reading these benefits keep in mind that dogs and humans do not process food the same way. So, these human health benefits may not be the same for your dog. read more

Can Dogs Eat Tuna? Is It safe?

Fish is a very healthy addition to your dog’s diet. The list of benefits for your best friend goes on and on, that is IF you are choosing the right fish. There are a lot of great choices at the market to give your pup, but there are some you should avoid.

Tuna, especially canned tuna, is a handy treat you might think is fine for your dog.

But is it? Some say yes and some say no.

This article will sort through the pros and cons of letting your dog eat tuna.

Can I give my dog canned tuna?

You dog is such a good pup!

Sitting so pretty, doing their best not to beg even when that tuna you just opened smells so yummy. read more

Can Dogs Eat Mashed Potatoes? is It Safe?

Is there any food more comforting than buttery hot mashed potatoes? Soft and warm on your plate, you might think you’ve done something good to deserve such a treat.

And look, there is your best friend, your sweet puppy, thinking they have been good enough to deserve some too. It is tempting to want to share with them, but should you give mashed potatoes to your dog?

Before you sneak that fork under the table, check out this article. You’ll get all the pros and cons of potatoes as dog snacks. We’ll talk about how to prepare safe treats, and what choices to avoid when it comes to potatoes for dogs. read more

Can Dogs Eat Quinoa? Is it Safe?

Will feeding my dog quinoa hurt him/her? This is a question on healthy dog owners minds. Quinoa has quickly become popular in the health and fitness community. It’s a great choice of food for humans, as it is gluten-free and a food that contains all ten amino acids for dogs.

Do the healthy attributes of Quinoa contribute to dogs the same as humans? The short answer is, yes, dogs can have quinoa, however it isn’t as simple as that.

Preparing Quinoa For Your Dog

If you plan on feeding your dog Quinoa, you’re gonna want to make sure you prepare it correctly. Always make Sure you rinse the Quinoa because it is in a coating known as Saponin. Saponin can cause irritation in the intestines of both humans and canines. read more

Can Dogs Eat Kiwi? Is It Safe

Loaded with vitamin C and potassium, Kiwi fruit is sweet in taste and provides a ton of benefits for humans. Though the Kiwi fruit is beneficial to humans, and considered by many to be a super food, how safe is it to feed to your dog? Dogs do not particularly have a need for fruit in their diets, as there nutrition is mostly met by their dog food.

Still, every good boy deserves their fare share of treats, so dog owners want to know what they can or can’t feed their dog. As it turns out, yes, dogs can have Kiwi, but there are rules that all dog owners should be following when doing so. read more

The Best Dog Car Seat – Review & Guide

Perhaps like you and your dog, many dog owners wish to travel with their best friends whenever possible. Dog car seats offer a reliable, secure way to transport your dog on road trips or quick drives around town.

There are a variety of dog car seat products available for all types of dog breeds and car styles. Prices can vary, depending on the particular needs of the dog, vehicle, and type of experience desired.

Dog car seats allow drivers to navigate the roads, knowing their dog is protected and guarded from interrupting their focus. Dogs will love watching the landscapes pass by from their relaxing seat. They will definitely appreciate spending extra time with their best friends! read more

Can Dogs Eat Plums? Is It Safe?

Fruits are a tasty and nutritious snack for humans, but that doesn’t mean that they provide the same health benefits to your canine companions. Before introducing any human food to your dog’s diet, you must first be sure that it will not cause any adverse effects. While dogs can safely consume some fruit, plums are not one of them.

The Risks of Fruit in a Dogs Diet

In all honesty, you should not feed your dog any fruit on a regular basis. Fruits contain an abundance of sugar, and dogs should not have much sugar in their diets. Dogs are much smaller than humans. Therefore, the amount of sugar that they require for normal body functions is much lower. Carbohydrates should provide the sugar that is needed, which breaks down into sugar. read more